Whoa! Jekyll, Foundation 5, HTML5 boilerplate and github pages!

I've combined my locally installed libsass/grunt version of foundation 5, html5 boilder plate, and Jekyll to be used for github pages! See Jekyll's documentation, the foundation documentations, and GitHub pages help pages.

You can see all my sources here. I created this for my personal use, but if you'd like to use it, please feel free. Shout out daigo.org or @DaigoFuji are appreciated, but not required.

You should probably update the _config.yml file, and edit scss/_setting.scss file. As well as scss/_custom.scss, where most the overrides are happening.

foundation-example.html shows how all the html tags are rendered. Foundation takes care of those out of the box.

Another example are shown in foundation-example.html.

And finally, foundation's grid system, page-template-example You can also get more templates from foundations home.

And out of the box, this supports font awesome, so you can go crazy with the icons: .